Big Futures is a career-focused mentoring program that pairs teens with working or retired adults, with a focus on helping teens envision, plan for, and realize success after high school. Whether the teen intends to go to college, trade school, or enter the workforce, the mentor helps to empower the teen through guidance, friendship, and encouragement.

Each mentor-teen pair meets twice per month, including the option of attending a career-focused group outing or activity organized by BBBS. The time commitment is as little as 4 hours per month.

What makes Big Futures different from other career-focused mentoring programs is that the mentor is more than just someone who helps the teen plan for the future. The mentor is a consistent presence in the teen's life, providing friendship, encouragement, wisdom, and accountability as the teen strives to make good choices and realize their potential. Each Big Futures mentor takes what they've learned in their own life and shares their perspective to help a younger person start their adult life on the right foot.

Big Futures mentors must be at least 18 years of age, have access to reliable transportation, and be willing to commit to at least one year. Interested mentors must complete an application and screening interview, provide references, and successfully pass a criminal background check and driving records check.

Adults currently in the workforce and retirees are welcome to apply to become mentors. Multiple employees from the same business or organization are also welcome to apply. We are seeking representation from a variety of industries, including the trades.  Once matched in the program, mentees may stay matched with their mentor until they graduate high school or turn 18, whichever comes last.


Interested in learning more about our Big Futures Program?

Please contact Betsy Thurow at

Is your workplace looking to make a difference?

Host a Big Futures Event!

Invite a group of teens and their mentors to tour your workplace. Share information about how to become successful in your field and what they can be doing now to be prepare!


Please contact Betsy Thurow at