Laura Jewett

You never know when something little will end up being big.  Or when a small gesture, a simple offer, a minimal commitment will make a big difference.  

Twice in my life I’ve been a big sister volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  Each time I signed up I was nervous, worried that I wouldn’t make a difference, wouldn’t be enough.  And both times, once when I was 19 and again when I was 45…I walked in to GIVE something small and ended up GETTING something big.  I now have two “littles” who are grown-up successful adults, and also my lifelong friends, my heroes, and still BIG parts of my life. 

Most kids don’t need a lot.  But there are some kids who would find their path a little easier if they just had someone to count on, someone who cares.  And with just a little attention, a little time, a little commitment, they can maximize their potential. It’s truly an honor to be a part of something that BIG.  

After decades as a classroom teacher, I’m now very proud to work for Big Brothers Big Sisters.  I get to see this magic happen every day, I work with people who believe in the mission and every day I talk to volunteers in this community who know they have something BIG to offer, even if it doesn’t feel like a lot.  I invite you to join us by making a little commitment of time, talent or treasure to Big Brothers Big Sisters.  It’s exactly how something LITTLE turns into something BIG.  

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